Saturday, August 1, 2009

My hair is an afro how can I straighten it so when I wash my hair it will still be straight and not

You can go to where you can get a lot of support and great tips on how to maintain afros,natural hair care etc. These sisters on this page gave me a lot of support. My hair has grown so much and it's healthy and strong. I hope that this helps.

My hair is an afro how can I straighten it so when I wash my hair it will still be straight and not thin?

Read some useful hair tips and more on this site to help you

My hair is an afro how can I straighten it so when I wash my hair it will still be straight and not thin?

rebonding technique... check it out in the hair saloon near you...

My hair is an afro how can I straighten it so when I wash my hair it will still be straight and not thin?

Stick a fork in an electrical socket............... lol

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