I have a three year old girl who never listens and a 9 month old girl who never sleeps. I am stressed, the more sleep I loose and the more I have to yell, the more my hair falls out. Could this be connected or is there another reason why my hair would be falling out, malnutrition or such? I'm only 22 I should have thick hair of a youngster not thin hair like my 46 year old mother.....Any ideas? My diet is pretty balanced and I take a vitamin everyday. Maybe it's my birth control? I tend to lean to the idea of it being stress related...
I am finding more and more hair in the sink. Could my kids be stressing my hair out?!?
I know what your saying but I think that once you have children your body goes haywire. I mean I get really scared because when I wash my hair and add conditioner I notice my hair falls without force. But I mean chunks of it and its really scary. I found a trick though. Ask your hair stylist to trim your hair and explain to him/her whats been going on. They know exactly what to do when they trim your hair. Also they may refer you to a product.
It's work for me temporarly at least. See, it's when we were pregnant we had all this vitamins and all this good stuff because we had a little bundle but that little bundle takes all your nutrients and then your screwd. Some ladies feet stay big or teeth arn't as straight as before. Some hair fall out. You name, thats the price as mothers have to pay.
I am finding more and more hair in the sink. Could my kids be stressing my hair out?!?
Absolutely. Try taking a good multivitamin for 1 month and not getting stressed as much as possible for 1 month. At 22, I would bet the farm you will see improvement in 30 days.
I am finding more and more hair in the sink. Could my kids be stressing my hair out?!?
it could be from stress, lack of vitamins, brittle hair, or alopcea ( hair loss) see your doctor
I am finding more and more hair in the sink. Could my kids be stressing my hair out?!?
are you sure it's your hair?
I am finding more and more hair in the sink. Could my kids be stressing my hair out?!?
It could be your birth control because they contain hormones. I lost a lot of hair when I became pregnant so that could be another factor. Its more than likely stress and hormonal imbalance.
I am finding more and more hair in the sink. Could my kids be stressing my hair out?!?
Well I'm 19 (going 2 B 20 next month), and I have 4 daughters. I know that's allot. There ages R, 4,3,1,and 7 months. And now that U mention it my hair falls out allot 2. I think it is because of the stress.
I am finding more and more hair in the sink. Could my kids be stressing my hair out?!?
have your thyroid levels checked. Low thyroid or malfunctioning thryroid can lead to hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails.
I am finding more and more hair in the sink. Could my kids be stressing my hair out?!?
You don't have enough sleep. Drink more water too. Go excercise to get more energy.
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