Thursday, July 30, 2009

Help with a serious hair loss?

I have very thin hair and had problem with a hair loss since I remember. I am 27 and my hair are quite long but very sparce. On top of that I keep on loosing them all the time. I take vitamins, extra proteins, hair supplements, kelp, nothing helps! What shall I do? Is there anything that can prevent hair loss? Please advice as I am very concerned about my problem.

Help with a serious hair loss?

You could have alopecia. Have you spoken to a doctor? If you really do have it, it's a documented medical condition and you're certainly not alone. Definitely check into it with your MD.

Help with a serious hair loss?

you will need to consult with a doctor. or barring that, go to one of those hair club places. they can probably answer questions and help you get your hair back the way you want it

Help with a serious hair loss?

try coffee that works just put coffee in ur hair

Help with a serious hair loss?

I don't know what to eat, but there are things in food that are suppose to help. I was once told to rub olive oil on the hair and put a bag over it for the night and this is suppose to work after doing it for a week, but i don't know that either, it sounds liek a mess, but if it works, you could always put up with the mess. Good luck.

Help with a serious hair loss?

Accept it dude. Your going bald. Been there, done that. Believe me when I say if that's the worst thing that ever happens to you your doing better than most.

Help with a serious hair loss?

Some medications can cause hair loss. Are you taking any other medications besides the meds you've been taking for your hair?

Help with a serious hair loss?

Consult a doctor...

Also very important is keep urself tension free...

If u r tensed then thats also one of the reason for severe hair fall....

Don't leave ur hair, u should always tie them or put plat ...

Don't use harmful shampoos....

Don't take head bath with hot water, use warm water...

Don't comb hair when they are wet...

But if its hereditary then can't help... :-(

Help with a serious hair loss?

Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.

Help with a serious hair loss?

Since you still have hair, it is not as serious as you feel but none the less it needs to be looked at as it is of concern to you . Do not self medicate yourself and use soaps, shampoos, lotions, hair sprays etc., by your self. It is normal for hair to fall and regrow. If the hair are falling at a rapid pace baldness will be evident which can be patchy or global. Eat balanced healthy food. Since you have long hair comb them carefully and consult a dermatologist

Help with a serious hair loss?

Consult a homoeopath. You need constitutional treatment.

Help with a serious hair loss?

My suggestion is to drink plenty of water daily provided you dont have any scalp problem or any other genetic disorders.

Help with a serious hair loss?

consult doc..too much of vitamis and likewise stuff can spoil health...state of mental health also affects hair..keep cool...afterall,its matter of hair..just be glad that not many girls have thick hair these why worry :-)

Help with a serious hair loss?

Just see whether you have dandruff. If not worry may be another cause. See a skin specialist doctor they are good at finding out the cause

Help with a serious hair loss?

A dermatologist or a skin specialist can prescribe you for your hairloss. And also please get your hormones levels checked, we women have male and female hormones in our body and if your hormones are producing too much of the male hormone, it can result to hairloss. Supplements, proteins will not help. You will have to get to the root of the problem by using internal medicine. Some dermatologists can give you cortisone shots in the area you are losing hair which is increase hairgrowth in that area. That therapy can be expensive but it is a most practical solution.

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