Sometimes I take a shower at night and do my hair before I go to bed. To keep my hair from getting messy while i am sleeping, I tie it up in a loose ponytail/bun. When put it up loose, it falls out while i am sleeping. The only i can get it to stay in is to do my hair in a tight ponytail, but this leaves huge crease in my hair. I have thin hair so my hair looses its volume in a ponytail over night. Any sugestions for a quick updo, that wont leave a stubborn crease or rob my hair of volume during the night?
How can I preserve my hair while I am sleeping?
maybe try putting it in a shower cap overnight
How can I preserve my hair while I am sleeping?
Just sleep normally without tying your hair or anything. In the morning, blow hot air through your hair with a hairdryer and lift your hair from its roots with a round barrel brush as you do so. It would create voluminous hair. :) Also the night before, after your hair is clean, apply a volumizer to damp hair then let dry naturally or blow dry. :)
How can I preserve my hair while I am sleeping?
what i do is i put it up in low pigtails.
How can I preserve my hair while I am sleeping?
Wear a lampshade over your head.
Wait wait! I'm not kidding. In the days of the "beehive" hair-do, women put a contraption on their heads that looked like an upside-down lampshade. It was a flat stiff piece of netting that wrapped around your forehad, behind your ears, then to your neck just below the hair line. The edges of the ends attached to one another with a set of hooks and eyes. It looked kind of like an Egyptian queen's crown -like a small waste basket, wider at the top, narrower on the bottom (at your head).
What it did was to allow your hair to fall naturally at night while you tossed and turned, but it kept the hair from being spoiled by rolling over on it, stretching it, etc. -it all stayed inside the "waste basket." In the morning, remove the bucket, brush it out -and there you go.
I don't know what it was called, but I'll bet your hair dresser does. I only know about it because my sister used one. One morning she appeared with it still on, and after I recovered from the shock of thinking she was about to be taken away by aliens, she 'splained to me what it was.
Good luck!
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