Mine grows very thick almost too thick to get a comb through .
Is your hair thick or,thin?
Is your hair thick or,thin?
my hair used to be thick so i wanted it thin. i went to the salon, and got it chemically softened/silkened. now, it's thin, but i want it thick, because my thin hair makes my face look really long :(. i blowdry the hell out of my hair to get volume.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
Medium but more towards thin. :)
Is your hair thick or,thin?
Mine is naturally thick, but when I straighten it it gets really thin.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
my hair is super thick. I've stalled out clippers before and combs are completely useless for me.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
In the mid range.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
Very thick
Is your hair thick or,thin?
Thin! I thinned it out with my haircut. I was sick of thick, puffy hair!
Is your hair thick or,thin?
It's pretty thick. I like it.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
Is your hair thick or,thin?
thick but not bushy or puffy
Is your hair thick or,thin?
My hair is medium. It's not actually thin or thick.
I would lean more towards the thick side but it's not really either.
I like it how it is though.
Roxy Angel
Is your hair thick or,thin?
My individual strands are extremely fine.... but I have a lot of them, so my hair is thick! :P I have that obnoxiously silky %26amp; staticky hair....
Is your hair thick or,thin?
ugh i wish i had volumnous hair... =(
Is your hair thick or,thin?
Really thick.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
My hair is not as thick as it use to be. I had trouble getting a comb through but now it has thinned a little bit. I still have trouble getting a comb through. My hair is very long almost to my waist which is fun trying to comb.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
Really thick with LOTs of hair.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
my hair is really really thick but when i straigten it it gets inbetween :)
Is your hair thick or,thin?
in the middle... it's not thick, but it's not thin either... but i do say it is thinning more as the years go by... not to the brink of baldness, just not as thick as it was in my younger days...
Is your hair thick or,thin?
thick..really thick
Is your hair thick or,thin?
My hair is fine but very thick.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
my hair is quite thin, although it used to be very thick. i've completely ruined it with hair straighteners.
Is your hair thick or,thin?
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